Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Week 6 - 3-tier and PHP

We now move on to looking at how a web application can be developed using PHP and MySQL. The example we provide is some basic code for a photo album. This includes example code for the basic operations

Powerpoint Slides

see the PHP entry in this Blog for information and resources on PHP

Examples of PHP scripting

Friday, October 27, 2006

Group allocations

Here are the group allocations for the first assessment - if you are not down here and on the course it is very important that you attend the tutorial on the 3rd of November to be assigned a group.

Group A: Michael Wiggins, Phil Neath, James Hanson, Farhan Maswood (4)
Group B: Keir Moffat, Carl Webster, Adam Barnwell (3)
Group C: Craig Sperrings, Alistair Philipps, Mike Cox, Gurdev Singh (4)
Group D: Harpal Singh, Tom Piccarilli, Jay Pick, Luke Taylor (4)
Group E: Nikki Mackenzie, Ian Wingfield, Fahmida Noor, Nitendra Gurung (4)
Group F: Jessie Owen, Tyra Yu Zhang, Tom Lopez, Gary Herbert (4)
Group G: David Wilson, Iain Rose, Nathan Agland, Mathew Tanner (4)
Group H: Chris Cutler, Jason Brady, Craig Poole, John Paul Vargheese (4)
Group I: Joe Lam, Elspeth Limer, Ady Harold, Charles Lindores (4)

Week 5 - ERM to RDBMS

Conversion of an ERM to a Relational Database using QSEE

Friday, October 20, 2006

Week 4 - house keeping

Attendance List
Background questionnaires - handback in tutorials
ITMB Lecture
ISAG representative
Tutorial - groups for CW and intro to QSEE package

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Background Questionnaire

Here are the 'model' answers to the background questionnaire. Please read through them.

Week 4

This week we move up the abstraction layers to look at conceptual modelling. In particular we look at Entity-Relationship Modelling (ERM) and the use of a case tool QSEE which we will use. Shortly the emphasis will be on using QSEE to create a Relational database, but at present we will use QSEE to record our understanding of the underlying data structures required to support Flickr.

In the tutorial we will be forming groups to undertake the first coursework. These groups will be selected to get a mixing of backgrounds and technical skills.

To get the basic use of QSEE sorted, you will be using this package to diagram the KML folder description from the lecture.

  • A Folder has a name and contains zero, one or more PlaceMarks and some Styles
  • A Placemark has attributes of :
    • A name
    • A description
    • A position defined by its longitude, latitude and Altitude, each represented by a signed decimal number
  • Each Placemark belongs tojust one Folder
  • A Style defines the appearance of one or more placemarks
    • the symbol to show as a jpeg image
    • the size,
    • the foreground and background colours.
  • Each Placemark has a Style
The QSEE package includes some execellent help files and examples and I have supplemented this with some additional notes. We expect that you will use QSEE to document your understanding of the Flickr application before using it in a model-driven mode to create your own version of Flickr.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Week 3

Now we move up the layers to look at how data is represented logically, in particular as relations, the basic ideas behind the relational database and MySQL as a typical implementation.

In the tutorial, you will be starting the SQL workbook.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lecture by IBM IT Architect

There will be a lecture (video-cast) by Toby Thurston, an Information Architect with IBM on Tuesday 10th October form 16:45 to 18:00 in 1N5.

More infomation is on the flyer.

This should be very relevant to the Multimedia students.


Actually, my mistake, Toby was an IT Architect, which covers the overall system architecture.

Week 2

In week 2 we will be looking at the idea of layers of abstraction. To illustrate the benefits of abstraction, we will spend some time looking at the physical layer and how to delve into it by looking at the Exif data in JPEG files.

In the workshop you will use the hex editor to explore other JPEG files and to unpick MP3 ID3 metadata. Progress on the Flickr review will also be checked.